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DashCam 300
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DashCam 300

Rand McNally

Rand McNally DashCam 300
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Product short description
DashCam 300 is a stand-alone compact design it records in FHD at 60 fps with a wide angle, the G-sensor detects triggers evens allowing it to save incidents.
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| Dashcams

  • Hardware Cost
$129 - 179

The Rand McNally DashCam 300 – Your Ultimate Road Companion

In the world of advanced automotive technology, the Rand McNally DashCam 300 emerges as the epitome of innovation and functionality. As the highest-end dash cam in the Rand McNally lineup, the DashCam 300 seamlessly integrates cutting-edge features with user-friendly design, offering a comprehensive solution for enhancing road safety and documenting your journeys. With an array of top-notch attributes and capabilities, this dash cam sets a new standard for video quality, convenience, and safety.

DashCam 300 Top Key Features: Unlocking the Pinnacle of Quality

  • Collision and Lane Departure Warning: Elevate your safety with the DashCam 300’s collision and lane departure warning systems. These advanced features act as vigilant co-pilots, providing real-time alerts to help you stay on track and prevent potential collisions.
  • 2-Inch Screen: Immerse yourself in the clarity of your journey with the DashCam 300’s impressive 2-inch screen. This generous display ensures that you capture every detail, whether you’re navigating busy city streets or embarking on an exhilarating road trip.
  • Built-in GPS: Elevate your journey documentation with the Dash Cam 300’s built-in GPS functionality. Every video is accurately tagged with its location, offering a comprehensive record of your routes and destinations.
  • Super HD Video: The Dash Cam 300 raises the bar for video quality. It captures footage in Super HD, ensuring that every detail is preserved with astonishing clarity. This feature is perfect for those who demand the highest standards in video recording.
  • Extra-Wide Angle with Minimal Distortion: Capture the full panorama of your surroundings with the Dash Cam 300’s extra-wide angle lens. Say goodbye to distortions – this dash cam preserves the authenticity of your visual experience.
  • Automatic Night Mode: Embrace the tranquility of night driving without compromising safety. The Dash Cam 300 seamlessly transitions into night mode, ensuring that you capture every moment, even in low-light conditions.
  • Time Lapse Video: Unleash your creativity with the DashCam 300’s time lapse video feature. Perfect for enthusiasts who love sharing their journeys on platforms like YouTube, this function transforms your ordinary drives into captivating time-lapse visual narratives.
  • G Sensor Technology: Safety is paramount, and the DashCam 300 exemplifies this with its G sensor technology. In the event of a collision, the dash cam automatically saves the video, providing a reliable record of crucial moments.
  • Secure Rugged Mount: Designed for your convenience, the DashCam 300 features a secure rugged mount. This ensures that your dash cam stays firmly in place, providing uninterrupted recording without distractions.

Price Point DashCam 300

Quality and value intersect with the DashCam 300’s price point. Priced at an attractive level, this dash cam empowers drivers with top-tier features without breaking the bank. While the official Rand McNally website offers the DashCam 300 at a competitive rate, it’s important to note that prices may vary on different online platforms. Exploring your options ensures that you secure the DashCam 300 at a price that aligns with your preferences and budget.

How the DashCam 300 Works

The Dash Cam 300 is designed for effortless integration into your driving routine. Attach it securely to your vehicle’s dashboard or windshield using the provided rugged mount. With a user-friendly interface, operating the dash cam is intuitive and hassle-free. The built-in GPS ensures accurate location tagging for every video, allowing you to revisit your journeys with precision. The collision and lane departure warning systems offer real-time alerts, enhancing your safety on the road. Additionally, the automatic night mode ensures seamless video capture, even in challenging lighting conditions.

Additional Features

The Dash Cam 300 goes beyond expectations, offering a comprehensive suite of features that cater to both safety and creativity. Its time lapse video function empowers you to transform your ordinary drives into captivating visual stories. This is especially appealing to content creators who wish to share their journeys with a wider audience. The G sensor technology guarantees that critical moments are never lost, providing an invaluable record in case of accidents or collisions.


In a world where safety, documentation, and creativity intersect, the Rand McNally Dash Cam 300 takes center stage as the ultimate driving companion. With its exceptional features, including collision and lane departure warnings, Super HD video, time lapse capabilities, and built-in GPS, this dash cam transforms ordinary journeys into extraordinary memories. Whether you’re a safety-conscious driver seeking advanced alerts or a content creator sharing your road adventures, the DashCam 300 is your gateway to an elevated driving experience. Embrace innovation, enhance your safety, and capture the essence of your journeys with the Rand McNally DashCam 300.

Customer Reviews

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| Dashcams

  • Hardware Cost
$129 - 179